End to End Visibility, Prioritization of Work, and Elimination of Waste.

The Logistics6 Difference

Not all Distributions Centers are equal; demanding tailored approaches to each environment. The Logistics6 approach is a tailored, modern and high-velocity model run with efficiency where products are constantly moving. With a focus on automation and continuous improvement, your supply chain needs are our priority.

Advanced Technologies

Technology plays a large role in optimizing your supply chain. With the latest in warehouse management systems (WMS) you can rest assured of advanced shipping notification (ASN) for tracking and receiving inbound orders, properly coordinating shipments with cross-docking and replenishment. Combined with a vendor compliance program, dynamic slotting modules and workflow organization systems make your incoming shipments integrate smoothly with DC operations.

Inventory Management

Inventory shelf life is critical for every company. Optimizing space in the Logistics6 DC reduces your cost, aids in inventory management, and increases efficiency. If you need to manage on hand stock, a wide variety of products, seasonal periods, or your inventory changes due to market trends, you need a WMS to help you with dynamic slotting.

Training Programs

The Logistics6 DC is only as efficient as the people are effective at their jobs. The employees handling your materials are put through a robust training program that provides standard operating procedures and appropriate guidelines for working within the DC.

Mapped Workflows

Logistic6 DC workflows are mapped and optimized to handle any complex organizational scheme. From receiving your merchandise to when it leaves the DC to your customers, the entire process is analyzed for the most efficient way to direct the flow of materials.

Business Intelligence

In the Logistics6 DC, good data collection and analytics is critical to optimizations and to maximizing the efficiency of every aspect of your supply chain. With features like bar codes, radio frequency identification, and voice-activated technology, every product movement is treated as a transaction. The data on how your products move through the DC is captured and analyzed for maximum efficiency.

Positive Environment

Training includes maintenance and operation of machinery, DC organization, reporting, processes, customer service, and other essential components of a DC business. And, employee feedback, and a positive work environment promotes communication and staff cohesion that keeps DC operations and your supply chain running smoothly.
